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Tuesday, December 23, 2008

filhal toh yahi hai :P

its been a while since i wrote anything on u know, not writing for a long time affects your writing skills to a ridiculous extent. [:p]
okies so lemme start with...
work? my new job? ummm ok..not bad to start with. Alright my job has a lot of scope for progress for me as well as for the company. If creative minds are put together and plans executed as strategized, the brand that i'm handling (also other brands) will sky skeen in a matter of time.
Now coming to my boss and subordinates (well i joined as a trainee but im given a bigger responsibility at par with my seniors so now they are my subordinates [:P]) They are good but sumtimes seem to ignore my suggestion considering the fact that i'm a complete rookie in this field. The area that i felt confidently is my strength, i.e. research, is now being questioned!!! i don't know if thats an eye opener or how should i take it...but all i know is my convincing skills suck big time!

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